Thursday, June 16, 2011

Starting again...

I ran for an hour the other day.

Normally, this would not be newsworthy. However, as my aching legs remind me two days later, this was my first run in over three months. I'm impressed how quickly the body dismantles the hard-won apparatus it constructs for specialized activities like marathon running. Like a high-efficiency short-order cook, the body takes what it gets and puts it to best use: if I choose to sit in front of a computer editing video instead of getting out there for a bracing run in the cold rain, so be it.

I would like to bring more of this ruthless responsibility into the rest of my life, this recognition that I make choices which have consequences, not necessarily bad or good in any absolute sense, yet with impact on the particular quality of life I choose to experience.

Ideally, I would both run and make video... Hard to do at the same time (although I did make a video while running the Boston marathon (see I would like to believe my capacity for creative expression would gain oxygen from the aerobic capacity I build through running, although I'm also aware that I don't want to do much besides eating ice cream after a long hard run... Somewhere along the way, I hope I will find the balance.

In the meantime, back to running feels good (especially two days later.)

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